A Tale of Six Warlords: The Horus Heresy

A Tale of Six Warlords: The Horus Heresy


As promised, all six Warlords had their 500 points worth of their new armies on display by the 13th of this month. We have three Warlords remaining loyal to the Emperor, with three falling to Chaos. Here's how they got on...


Ben L

I’ve always been a massive fan of the Horus Heresy books and the idea behind The Tale of Four Warlords so what better way to start a HH army! Being a lazy painter, I look for the easiest ways to get great results and building an army of the Imperium’s smelliest looks like the perfect way to do it. Space marines with clean lines and bold colours can be fun but the grim dark is all about dirt, grime, and battle damage, all of which pretty much screams Death Guard! Had a blast experimenting with heavy chipping and grime effects on my first two dreads this month, and can’t wait to try it on some infantry and tanks in the coming months. And more dreads. There will definitely be more dreads!


G'day, I'm Mikey. For my Heresy army I have chosen to build and paint Space Wolves. In truth I don't know much about Heresy or even 40k as I'm very new to the hobby. My reasoning for picking space wolves is pretty simple, wolves are my favourite animal and their paint scheme seemed fairly simple. For me, it's about trying to get better, because when I look at my work I see a need to improve. So far I have really enjoyed making my first 500 points, and I will be starting my 2nd month off with ten terminators. I am hoping to use some green stuff to make them more wolf like.


I've chosen the Night Lords for my Heresy Tale army. Bats, skin cloaks, and lightning.. what's not to love about these bad boys. Kings of psychological warfare and inflicting terror, the VIII Legion spoke to me as a OG 40k Drukhari player. I started off the month by kit-bashing, sculpting and 3D printing parts to make the Terror Squads. I gave them all a mixture of chainglaives, chainswords, sickles... and if you look closely, one of them has a butcher's cleaver the size of his body. He swears he's not compensating. The Librarian, older and crueller, was given salvaged armour taken from the Emporer's Children shown by the Aquila. To top him off I gave him a Headsman's Axe and chained Combi Bolter. Lastly, the rhino. I put some Nostraman runes on the door, along with skulls.. lots of skulls. To finish it off, the Night Lord's motto Ave Dominus Nox - Hail to the Lord of Night


Sons of Horus was an automatic first pick for the tales of warlords. The lore behind these guys is so favourable, which makes their army on the tabletop flexible when it comes to modelling.
At first, I wanted to keep it simple and short. I knew the contemptor dreadnought and praetor had to be included straight away, but the choice for infanry had me thinking hard. There's so much variety and options each unit can take and do, so it wasn't an easy decision. I decided to go with the support squad with volkite weapons because who doesn't like some good old hot volkite action? There aren't many conversations with these models because I felt that they were cool without any touch-ups. I did cut the preator's power sword and replace it with a dead body, so he looks like he's throwing a rotting corpse around. The corpse unfortunately broke off after painting it, so it didn't make it to the final cut, but hopefully next month it will make its return. The paint scheme was clean and simple, with just some sons of horus slapped on and a thinned-down contrast. Do this with some other layers of paint, and sit down and see what magic happens. Next month, I'm hoping to include a recon squad with converted nemesis bolters and a Siege Tank for some extra explosion firepower.


First time painting a Heresy army and the quickest I've painted an army, not to mention to only time I have finished a full uniform army before weird ideas of army composition takeover my MIND! I decided on my old time favourite Alpha Legion, LOYALIST legion though not like those two timing crazed shapeshifting traitors. I ultimately settled on two squads of bayonet-bolter infantry, a snowpiercer dreadnought and a kit-bashed centurion carrying frozen heads along with totally not massive axe.

I was inspired by battlefields covered in snow and howling blizzards assaulting troops as they march towards victory. A foolish choice for mortal men but for legionary astartes it is a small inconvenience to be sure. I imagine it is cozy inside that armor... It was a challenge to finish the painting on time and with a sufficient amount of detail for each model. Batch painting can be very boring indeed but I managed to find enjoyment in testing new things on each model to get a better complete look. I can say I was lucky that no mistake was too great to paint over and no breakage too great to not be defeated by another drop of glue.

Ben CS

I’ve decided on Raven Guard to be my Legion of choice for this Horus Heresy Tale of Six Warlords, I wanted to theme them around an early to mid era Heresy army, with lots of battle damage and lots of different Marks of armour with my elite units mainly wearing the new Mark 6 as we were testing it as the Heresy began! I started the first month off with a unit of Dark Furies which have always been some of my favourite models of the Raven Guard Heresy range and will definitely be a staple of the army going forward with reinforcements for the squad to be done soon! I also decided to paint 5 members of a Seeker Squad due to I really feel they fit the theme of the Legion, they had some slight conversions with scopes on their Bolters from the Primaris Infiltrators kit, some Mor Deythan shoulder pads, 3D printed backpacks and some accessories and trophies to their armour from the Raven Guard Upgrade pack just to make them stand out a bit more than the basic line troops. The last two models to fill out my first 500 points was a conversion of Moritat-Prime Kaedes Nex the Blood Crow, a special character from the Legacies list, who I converted up as well from bodies and spare pieces from the Vigilator Character, Mor Deythan, Raven Guard upgrades and Palanite Enforcers box, again fitting in the theme of quick and hard hitting character hunters with the Seeker Squad. Finally I have an Apothecary with a Jump Pack who will be joining an Assault Squad half of which will most likely feature next month as part of my next 500 points.


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